About Us
This site is written and run by me, Liz Jamieson. I did a computing science degree in 1981 and have worked with computers ever since in London, Reading and at various locations in Europe.

Nowadays I work from my home office, (picture coming soon) now doing search engine optimisation and web design for clients. I also maintain this web site as a convenient place to capture all that I have had to learned in order to work the way I do.
I still have my old web design site here. It has not been updated in ages, but my clients can still log in there to view project progress. I'll move all the client functions over to this site in time.
Favoutrite things? I go to the gym regularly, and love all things internet. I like to visit France, Spain and the Caribbean. I've travelled a lot but still those areas are still the ones I like best.
I am a member of the HTML Writers Guild. Being a member of this organisation is quite a good idea.